The Education Support Employees Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
The Education Support Employees Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Simply put, education support professionals deserve professional pay for professional work — and the members of ESEA are the premiere advocates fighting to ensure you’re paid what you’re worth. This also means stopping legislative cuts to your benefits such as health insurance and retirement.
From the local school board to the state legislature, elected officials are making decisions that impact your job — join our union and be a part of the discussion. ESEA members form the strongest voice advocating for ESPs and students. We’re fighting against the standardized test regime, raising the need for fair evaluations, and standing in solidarity to secure fair wages for every worker.
Being an education support professional can be stressful — but you’re not alone. ESEA members have a support system of thousands of educators and staff who live and work here in Clark County. Whether you’re a new para-professional who needs advice on a difficult classroom or a food service worker that’s pushing back against student lunch debt – our union members are here to provide support, experience, and their voices to your needs.
ESEA is one of the largest providers of high-quality professional development trainings in Nevada. Take part in continuing education in everything from worksite management to demonstrating mastery of skills within your career family.
Do you have big dreams to help your students and community? ESEA has access to robust leadership training courses that will give you the skills to be an effective leader in your school, community, and state.
Members get access to the best team of education law experts in the country. Having our liability insurance makes sure that ESEA has you covered.
Members can take advantage of deep discounts on vacations, movie tickets, life insurance, cars and more.
I support ESEA because they provide a strong voice in collective bargaining. ESEA works diligently to improve the working conditions of all education support professionals.”
I support ESEA because they provide all members with numerous opportunities for meaningful professional development throughout their careers.”
I support ESEA because of its affiliation with the Nevada State Education Association and National Education Association. I have seen how our ESPs and teachers have come together to make positive changes in our profession at the state and national levels.”
No other professional organization does more for education support professionals in Clark County. With your support, we can protect our profession today, and for the next generation of teachers.